Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer Starts, So Does my Blog

Hi, whoever it is that might be reading this. I have never done a blog before, so we'll have to wait and see how this goes. To start off, how about I tell you a little about myself, considering that's who this is mainly about. I am a 15 year old female of the human kind, though I often wish I wasn't. Human, that is. I'm fine with being 15. I love animals of all kinds, even starting to like dogs these days. Summer just started, so there is lots of possibilities there. High school is going to be interesting, because I am not going to be going to public school. That will be something new.
The reason I am going to be calling this The Questionable Reality of Maya A. is because that is what I am going to be telling you all about. Whoever you are... Anyway, people sometimes say that they are worried about my keeping in touch with reality. But I believe that everyone has their own kind of reality. Some are very similar, but even if you just see a certain color a different way, it still makes your reality unique. I dunno, maybe I am crazy. But hey, so is everyone, right?


  1. Everybody could be called crazy, but crazy is an word based on perspective. Something that seems normal for you is different for someone else, like somethings you do, habits you could say...

  2. What Garrett said. :D I'll definitely be checking this blog like a crazy person...

  3. Possibly I will as well. Just because of recurring boredom syndrome or something.

  4. You spelled Questionable wrong in the title...
